Dr. M. H. Shaheel Mahmood

Dr. M. H. Shaheel Mahmood ENT Specialist in Dhaka. Achieve degree in MBBS, FCPS, MS works in Square Hospital, Dhaka. Visit at Square Hospital, Dhaka from Unknown. Please call to…

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Miah – Chest Disease Specialist in Mymensingh

Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Miah Chest Disease Specialist in Mymensingh. Achieve degree in MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Medicine), MACP (USA), Training (Chest Diseases) works in Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital.…

Prof. Dr. Md. Fazlul Haque

Prof. Dr. Md. Fazlul Haque Child Diseases Specialist in Dhaka. Achieve degree in MBBS, FCPS (Pediatrics) works in Dr. MR Khan Shishu Hospital & Institute of Child Health. Visit at…

Dr. Md. Nazibur Rahman Khokon

By doctorsbdme

Dr. Md. Nazibur Rahman Khokon Rheumatology Specialist in Chittagong. Achieve degree in MBBS, BCS (Health), MCPS (Medicine), MD (Rheumatology), ECRD…

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