About Dr. Kh. Nafiz Rahman
Orthopedic Surgeon in Bangladesh
Name | Dr. Kh. Nafiz Rahman |
Specialty | MBBS, BCS (Health), D-ORTHO, FCPS (Ortho Surgery) |
Hospital | Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital |
Chamber | Metro Diagnostic Center, Rajshahi |
Address | Ghoshpara Mor, Sipaipara, Rajshahi |
Visiting Hour | Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour |
Appointment | Call Now: +8801718282696 |
Gender | Male |
Language | Bangla, English |
Practice Days | Saturday , Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday. |
Off Day | Friday |
Profile of Dr. Kh. Nafiz Rahman Orthopedic Specialist in Rajshahi
In Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital. Dr. Kh. Nafiz Rahman is a Orthopedic Surgeon. He got his degree in MBBS, BCS (Health), D-ORTHO, FCPS (Ortho Surgery). He works in the department of the Orthopedic Surgeon at Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital. He regurlarly treats his patients at Metro Diagnostic Center, Rajshahi on a daily basis. Dr. Kh. Nafiz Rahman office hours at Metro Diagnostic Center, Rajshahi are from Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour. The patients can call him for appoiment at this number Call Now: +8801718282696)